Rush My Passport!

24 hours Blue - update

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Giving Back

The islands and people of Tahiti have been major contributors to our company's accomplishments—they are our partners in success. The Do Something Good initiative is our way of giving back to a country and people that have done so much to help us get where we are today.
We invite you to join us in our mission to Do Something Good. Donate any amount you like—anything you give will be deeply appreciated. And 100% of your donation is used to fun
d these initiatives; there are no administrative fees of any kind.
Imagine what we can accomplish together. How many scholarships can we give? How many libraries can we fill? How many smiles can we bring to deserving children? So let's band together to Do Something Good today.

The Do Something Good initiative consists of four objectives:
Student scholarships
: Specifically for TNI-certified noni harvesters and their children. The local TNI management team in Tahiti evaluates the applications and selects the recipients. These scholarships are awarded based on grade point average and financial need.
School textbooks: Students in elementary, middle, and secondary schools throughout Tahiti are in need of basic textbooks, library books, and other reading material. TNI donates truckloads of school books, which are divided among numerous schools and grade levels.
Refurbished computers for schools: TNI refurbishes a portion of our corporate computers and sends them to schools throughout French Polynesia. TNI employees volunteer their own time to refurbish these computers, which includes erasing hard drives and equipping the machines with country-specific power cords, monitors, French keyboards, and basic educational software.
Improving life at orphanages: Close to the Tahitian Noni processing plant in Tahiti, there's an orphanage that cares for needy Tahitian children. TNI donates food, clothes, bedding, and Tahitian Noni products to better the lives of the children there. And because these little ones don't even have a safe place to play, your donations have also helped provide them with new playground equipment.

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